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I've been into dollhouse miniatures since the early 1990's now and when I realized how much I've learned during that time, I thought I'd make a blog to share my knowledge with others. I'm mostly auto-deduct, but always found help on the Internet and in specific books. The mini-world starts and ends with your own imagination, so let there be no limit. And never say : I CAN'T .... because you can, you just need to try and have the necessary know-how. And that's the main reason why I started this blog, because I wanna share what I know with newbies in the miniature world or anybody else who might be interested in sharing what I've learned so far. So, hopefully, I'll be able to provide some useful hints, tips and tricks for those of you out there just starting with this wonderful hobby

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March 17, 2014

DIY : Miniature iPad

Hi everyone

The Mini iPad :-)  
was fun to make and a really quick project

I do need some more practice and I'm pretty sure the next one's will look better, but still, I felt like sharing this anyway

In fact, I simply went to the website of APPLE and used the pics of the front and the back of the iPads (just copy/paste)

I transferred them into PAGES (I'm a Mac User, if you have Windows, either WORD or POWER POINT will do just fine) and scaled them down to 1:12, printed them on glossy photo paper and cut them out.

To make the body of the iPad, I used a tiny piece of very thin balsa wood and you can either paint it or use self adhesive glossy paper, whatever suits you best. If you use paint, you can eventually use a little nail polish to the sides if you want them glossy.

Glue the front and back and you're done ...... just pay attention to glue the back in the correct way, not upside down :-)))) that's what happened to me, so I'm just saying .... hehe

This was my first try, not yet perfect, I know, but the one's I made later looked better, just needed some practice, lol

have fun
See ya

1 comment:

  1. I just ordered one of these on Ebay. I think I will make a few myself next time.
